
The manuscript titled From Darkness to Light is a true story.

The contents of the Manuscript

  • Rescue from self- destruction
  • Love on the Sea of Galilee
  • Path into the light
  • Manuscript of the soul between the earthly and the heavenly life 

Manuscript announcement

The foreword

"I am closing the last pages of a story, and like a tributary looking for its main stream, the Mother of Galilee, I yearn to be taken and carried on down the stream. A droplet from my heart I offer, to colour the inviting truth. On these pages, the scepter of faith and a blade of doubt make a waxen thought stand still in the heat of what was experienced before.

A human speck was chased from pillar to post, amidst a pathless world. Resembled a life lived to the full, a carefree existence in a material world. A modern idyll. But the soul was empty. And that was the problem – to overcome sleeplessness, senselessness, the feeling of futility – how? You were standing on the edge of a cliff, on one leg, the abyss all around you while you thought you had got it all. It was dark up there on the cliff, only life shone. A modern man's wasteland, a desert with a drop of hope. And when everything was lost, a man moved. The ocean tide was high, the tributary was halted. 

And where to go from here? How to run away? Will love rescue you, you who are like a tree trunk floating in the river? Powerless, alone, abandoned, sick, empty, a wanderer. Carrying a torch without a flame. Is it death, downfall, floating? How does that happen, how do we lose and get a clue where it was lost? No path, no light, only wilderness.

On the shore of a sea– footprints and a path. Go, find, search, visit: anchorites, hermits, the saved, the saviour, the solitary. Listen, hear, feel. Hear the voice, weep, sob, wail, tear off your rotten existence a piece by piece. And then spot a ray of hope, hoping, a stone in a desert, water from a spring. Feet wounded, bereft of skin, a search in blood, a broken man crying. He heard a voice. Went on. Took an icon lamp and knelt down on the ground. The voice in the desert. The voice in the sea. The gold-winged word like a peacock above the eye. 

The soul spoke. The soul embraced the eye in a teardrop. 

That is the way, follow the soul, follow the creator, follow the „being“, follow the human being. The path is there. Shining in the sun. Full of thorns, temptations, stumbling blocks, and yet gentle with love.

In mother's arms, a hand in a heated hand, a child is walking. In faith. In realisation.

In living. In dying.

In victory over death. In faith.

To believe and let the Gold-mouthed Hand lead us.

To believe in the Manuscript's scepter and the soul that sowed it around the Sea of Galilee.

The wounded soul is saved."


The creation of the Manuscript

I came to the end of my self-serving existence which was preceded by the disintegration of all possible parts of my physical body, and my mind, flooded with information, was unable to calm down and get some rest. I had wounded my soul refusing the love of those who cherished it for me while coveting and chasing affections of those who required validation from me or, to put it more finely, all my life I was looking for love in the wrong places, where there was none to be found, supressing the whole time the spirit which was given to me.

So I found myself in a daily struggle with my conscience, for I blamed myself for the death of my father among many other things that I'd done before. The pain, like „the knife sticking into my heart“, became part of my everyday life for a long time, until I reached the indignity of total destruction of the Heart. That excruciating pain travelling through every part of my body felt like the usual route of hurting myself in this earthly life, fostering every type of direct self-destructiveness except drug abuse.

Feeling frail and weak, my entire body aching, I decided against visiting a doctor fearing that the diagnosis might be something along the lines of: „You have a few weeks to live“, or „No more, you've had your fill for this lifetime“; instead, I entered the world of self-healing with prayers in an attempt to heal every aspect of my life so as to stop the process of self-destruction. Forced to face my enemy, my own destructiveness I was conditioned to adapt, I entered the ring to fight the battle „against my own self“, equipped with all which I was given by God's grace during my earthly birth and which I wanted to destroy what with my self-destructive behaviour and the interference of destructive souls in my surroundings during my tender years.

At one point I embarked, with the help of angel souls, on my path of earthly existence on the Sea of Galilee surrounded by the source of heavenly love on earth where the heavenly soul , too, once walked on this earth spreading love around. Even today, the legacy of that love remained and still have a healing effect on everyone who is open enough to take it. Love... that I wasn't used to, since I was unfortunate enough to come from the region where, throughout history, "man is a wolf to man“, and where I grew up witnessing the sins and vices I was hardly aware of at that time.

Is there anything a young soul, longing to live and express itself, can do to protect itself from the loveless fallen souls? With the help of the angel souls, which are sent to us by the divine providence in our times of need here on earth, I managed to understand it despite difficulty in turning my back to the „false glow“. My ego resisted hard and made it painful for me, since it was reluctant to surrender to whatever laid ahead, striving at the same time to keep control over the present and future moments of my earthly existence. I had to reduce the ego in all aspects of my nature: human, mental and commercial, and I set off on this journey and travelled down the road with an uneasy sense of doom, expecting the worst and terrified by the thought that it might be the last road I took, as this gruelling ordeal continued. Experiencing aches and pains all over my body, the only thing I had left was my belief in God's providence, strenghtened with prayers and books. So I had cut all my ties on the physical plane and went about my daily life, struggling to survive, alone even though still living among people. Silent, with my head lowered, I went on cleansing my mind and body of all toxins that had been stored in me for years.

My gaze rested above the Sea of Galilee, my eyes turned daily up to the vault of heaven. I decided to ease the burdens of my soul and write down my thoughts and reflections calmly surrendering to whatever was to come next... The moments I had as a physical body I spent roaming the hills and valleys around the Sea of Galilee and visiting cultural and sacred sites. I would gaze up into the night sky admiring the vastness of space illuminated with stars. The Sea of Galilee and Jerusalem, with all that they had in and around themselves, became the center of my true life. I daily wrote down the words that came to my mind, despite the fact that I still had to deal with other people's bad behaviours, which only worsened my already weak health condition. My daily existence was ruled by uncertainty, fear, stress and thirst for profit, and they all tempted me but eventually made me realise that such a way of life had contributed to my current situation in the first place...

Quotes and excerpts from the manuscript



The peak moment of one's Life, when Spiritual Enlightenment occurs, is surrendering to True Love with the Will of God. In the Material, Earthly Plane, lies the creation of a new Soul filled with Light which is spread around through the Child, since the Child is the Ray of pure Divine Light that is materialised in the flesh.


There are many examples in Life when a woman with a dominant mindset chooses a man who takes after her father, and in that hidden interest lies her need to feel safe and secure. On the other hand, a man chooses a wife like his mother, which in essence is a man's ego disguised as the instinct of procreation. By making such choices, the man and the woman are doomed to fail and to lead a Life difficult for their Souls to bear, since it is a union based on need, not Love, and their children are the children of need who live only to meet the needs and standards of their parents throughout their entire Earthly Life Cycle.


Reason is incapable by itself of leading one through Life, even with the help of one's body, if the Soul and its Spiritual Laws are neglected, while the Heart is gripped with the vices that one indulges in on a daily basis.


We live in a world so obsessed with body which women use in a very constructive way to reach their goals; at the same time, men use women's bodies to exercise their ego gratification.


Let your partner be who he or she truly wants to be so that he or she may let you be what you truly are; for if you take away her or his Freedom, it shall be taken away from you too.


The age we live in: the more intelligent one is, the more misunderstood and miserable one gets, and the more primitive one is, the more useful one gets.


To love and surrender in love begins the moment you accept and love yourself as God's creation. If you cannot accept yourself, with all your flaws and virtues, how can you accept others with all their flaws and virtues? By not „loving“ yourself, you are unable to accept the possibility of someone else loving you back, because you consider yourself unworthy of their Love.


People who betray True Love, Family, try to justify their betrayal with accomplishments and inventions, or by earning money and titles throughout their lives in the belief that they can appease their guilty conscience by climbing the social ladder or by gaining material wealth.


Do it so that it may be done with.
Forgive, for you too may ask for forgiveness.
Love, for you were made for Love and out of Love.
Have Faith, for without Faith your Soul cannot exist.
Give from the Soul, because it gives without expecting anything in return.
Be always original and natural so that Truth may inhabit your Life.
Accept Life as it is, since it accepts you with all your flaws.
Bring “Light“ into yourself so as to be able to spread it around you.
Appreciate the present moment, for you were conceived in one of such moments.


When we condemn others we, in truth, condemn ourselves, because their behaviour is just a reflection of our own; for that reason we are able to recognise it in others.


When we take away from others what was rightfully theirs, we should not complain about our destiny when what we think is ours is taken away from us.


Do not waste your time listening to others when they speak just for the sake of speaking; there are enough events in our lives to spend time on than to waste it on someone else's lives, provided that it is not required of us.


He who succeeds in making a balance between the Heavenly and the Earthly is on the true path to liberate himself from the slavery of body and mind and to live Life in Faith and Love, eventful and original Life indeed.


The Soul knows what we need, the Mind tells us what we want, whereas the Spirit trough Body makes real those needs and wants.